About Capital
Committed to using Internet thinking
optimizing the operation of existing futures services in Hong Kong,
Through the network and electronicization of investment services,
incorporate cutting-edge Internet technology and design,
Allow investors to easily experience the convenient one-stop investment service.

Risk Disclosure Statement

Disclosure of additional risks regarding futures and options trading

This statement does not cover all risks and other important matters of trading futures and options. In terms of risk, you are Before making any of the above transactions, you should first understand the nature of the contract to be entered into (and the relevant contractual relationship) and your The degree of risk to be assumed. Futures and options trading is not suitable for many public investors. Personal investment experience, investment objectives, financial resources and other relevant conditions, carefully assess whether you are suitable for participation Deal with these.

The risk of client assets received or held outside Hong Kong

Client assets received or held by a licensed or registered person outside Hong Kong are subject to relevant overseas judicial control. Supervised by applicable laws and regulations of the jurisdiction. These laws and regulations are in line with the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Section 571 Chapter) and the rules established under the Ordinance may be different. Therefore, the client’s assets may not Enjoy the same protection given to client assets received or held in Hong Kong.